Trunk Stability Pushup Test

How To Assess The Stability Of Your Trunk Muscles

The following simple test is used to determine your ability to stabilize your spine using your core and trunk muscles.

This is important for protecting your lower back from injury and improving your performance in the surf and snow by allowing optimal force transfer from your upper to lower body without a breakdown in your core.


The Test

To perform the test you will lie face down on the ground in a pushup position with your hands shoulder width apart.

Next, place your hands as per the scoring chart below and press up into a pushup position.

Your trunk should come up as one unit without your lower back sagging.



Scoring – Males

Excellent – Press up with your thumbs in line with your forehead

Pass –  Press up with your thumbs in line with your chin

Fail – Unable to press up with your thumbs in line with your chin


Scoring – Females

Excellent – Press up with your thumbs in line with your chin

Pass –  Press up with your thumbs in line with your collar bone

Fail – Unable to press up with your thumbs in line with your collar bone




Clearing Test

This final test is done to assess if you have any potential lower back issues that may require further treatment.

Lie face down and keeping your hips on the floor, press your upper body up off the ground as high as you can.  If you feel any pain in your lower back you may need to get it further assessed by a professional.


Hopefully this quick test has helped you identify if you have any weakness in your ability to stabilize your core.


If you think you need to improve your core and trunk stability to protect your back from injury and enhance your surf or snow performance, download one of our functional training programs which have lots of great core exercises to help improve your stability and strength.

