Powerful "Triple M Method" Helps Men over 40 Drop 5, 10 or even 20kg, Lose the Gut & Build a Lean, Strong, Functional Physique for Surfing & Snow Sports in as little as 3 Workouts per Week

Without doing hundreds of crunches, going on fad diets, using "old school" bodybuilding routines or doing long, boring cardio workouts...

Paddle Faster & Catch More Waves, Shred All Over The Mountain On A Powder Day And Feel Like An Athlete Again!

Read this page to learn more about the Triple M Method we use at Surf Snow Fitness to help you build an Athletic SHRED FIT Body over 40 so you can Catch More Waves, Shred Harder in the Snow and Be Ready for Action 365 Days a Year...

Get ready to join the SHRED FIT over 40 Coaching Program...

Join the Surf Snow Fitness and you could be our next Success Story...

We have been helping surfers & snow riders with our online training programs since 2008. These are some of their stories...

Shaun getting waves in Maine and snowboarding in Alaska

Before finding us, what was your struggle? What were your biggest frustrations?
Before finding SSF biggest struggle was my fitness. Basically staying in top riding shape. And with the demands of family and work I have limited time to enjoy the snow and surf.

How did your struggle and frustrations affect your life? What did you feel like before you made your transformation?
It would bum me out when my quads were smoked at noon on a powder day. Or to know that I only had enough stamina for a few waves per session during a good swell.

How has our program helped you?
Your program has helped me improve my fitness so I can enjoy my surfing and snowboarding to the best of my ability!

I now have better endurance and can put multiple days on the mountain of hard riding. And that means more fun!

In March of 2017 I spend a week in Alaska in the Chugach Mtn range riding everyday. Without SSF I wouldn't have made it past day two. When I returned home I hit the waves of Maine and scored the most big waves I ever got in one day. And I hadn't surfed in 4 months!

How is life different for you now?
My life is different now because I know when I hit the water or snow I will have the physical fitness of an athlete that is at it everyday. But the fact is if I get out once a week I am lucky.

It's easy for me to find a few hrs a week at home doing a SSF workout knowing the pay off is.

Shaun Ready, USA

Joe enjoying the benefits of his fitness

Before finding us, what was your struggle? What were your biggest frustrations?
Before finding SSF l was not happy with my surfing ability endurance and flexibility. I had an on going lower back issue. At one point scheduled for surgery. My body weight and condition was a big frustration. I was 86kgs and Im 185cm tall.

How did your struggle and frustrations affect your life? What did you feel like before you started using our programs?
My condition and well being was a in a poor state. My attitude towards being healthy was not in a good spot.

How have our programs helped you?
My approach to my surfing has gone to the next level for a person of my ability. I can mix it with guys half my age. Catch twice as many waves as guys on bigger boards and stay out in the water longer. My mental state has taken a new level. As they say healthy body health mind.

How is life different for you now?
Life is definitely better health wise. I feel great and enjoying a pain free life.
Family life and my working career has enjoyed the change. My family has taken it on board and encouraged their own healthy lifestyle.

For a surfer of 50 years old lm very proud of where l am. 79kgs now with a good body condition. Thank you Clayton you are truly a life changer and it is a privilege to train under your guidance.

Joe Stefano, Australia

Helping Men Over 40 Lose The Gut, Build Functional Muscle Build a Fit Body for Shredding in as little as 3 Workouts Per Week With Our Powerful "Triple M Method"...

Get Fitter, Feel Stronger & Move Better So You Can Catch More Waves, Shred More Powder And Be In Shape For Your Next Surf Or Snow Adventure...

Can You Relate To Any Of This..?

I’m guessing you didn’t stumble across this page by accident. In fact, I image you are feeling at least a little frustrated with the current state of your body and health. Maybe you are currently experiencing one or more of the following problems…

  • You feel unfit, out of shape and lacking in energy
  • You can’t perform physically in the surf or snow like you could when you were younger
  • Your confidence in life and in sport is not what it used to be
  • Your muscles are weaker and stomach is bigger than it used to be
  • You have injuries that hinder you enjoyment in physical activity
  • Your overall health is suffering

Why Does This Even Matter..?

Did you know that being out of shape may be contributing to the following…

  1. Being out of shape may put you at an increased risk of health problems such as cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes and various forms of cancer.
  2. Being out of shape can lead to an increased risk of injuries during physical activity.
  3. Being out of shape can affect your mental health and wellbeing, which can affect your relationships, workplace performance and other aspects of your life.
  4. Being out of shape means you won’t be able to perform at your best in the surf or on the snow!

Not In Shape? The Big 3 Reasons Why...

Maybe you have been in shape in the past, but for the moment you have fallen back into old habits.

Below are the 3 big reasons that everyday surfer and snow riders fail to get long term sustainable changes to their fitness, performance and health...

Reason #1 - You Don't Have The Right Information...

These days there is so much fitness and nutrition information floating around on the internet, with much of it conflicting, it can be almost impossible to know what will work and what won’t.

Many people jump between different diets and programs not knowing which direction they are heading and not know who to turn to for help.

Reason #2 - You Don't Have A System...

Even if you do have the right training and nutrition information, if you don’t have a step-by-step system to put all the pieces together you will find it very hard to get to your goal. 

Having a program that lays it all out and is flexible enough to suit your weekly schedule will go a long way to helping you achieve your fitness and performance goals.

Reason #3 - You Don't Have Anyone To Hold You Accountable...

So in the event you do have the right information and a system to follow, if you don’t have someone to keep you accountable to the training and nutrition system you might be able to have enough will-power for a short period, but it’s more than likely this will run out and you will slip back into old habits.

But there is a solution…

My Story...

My name is Clayton Beatty and since 2008 I have helped thousands of surf and snow sports athletes with my functional training programs.

My strength and conditioning advice has been featured in Smorgasboarder Magazine as well as many major Australian newspapers - Sunday Telegraph, Sunday Herald Sun, The Sunday Mail and The Sunday Times.

I’m an Accredited Exercise Scientist with Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) and have a Bachelor of Science (Human Movement) and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Western Australia.

But most importantly I have a passion for surf and snow sports and I am constantly researching and experimenting with the best ways to get in peak physical shape for these sports.

If you want to get in shape for surf or snow sports, all you have to do join the Surf Snow Fitness SHRED FIT Coaching Program and follow the plan "step-by-step!"

The Surf Snow Fitness Mission...

Surf Snow Fitness exists to help surfers, skiers and snowboarders transform their bodies and maximize their performance using a combination of smart functional training programs (you can do at home or the gym) and our science-based nutrition plan that is simple to follow and easy to maintain.

Since 2008 we have helped thousands of everyday surf & snow athletes through our online training programs, surf & snow fitness websites and email newsletters.

Please Stop And Think For A Second...

I would encourage you to stop reading right now and take a few seconds to think about if you are really ready to make a commitment to getting back in shape.

If you’re not, no hard feelings, we will still be here when you are ready.

If however, you are ready to draw a line in the sand and make a commitment to redefining your body, SSF is here to help you make it happen!

Learn How To Build A Leaner, Stronger More Functional Body Using Our Innovative Shred Fit Science Method

Our proven transformation system is built on 3 pillars and can help you to achieve the following results…

  • Burn body fat and build a leaner physique
  • Build muscle and increase functional strength
  • Increase energy levels & enhance your endurance
  • Improve your overall health & well-being
  • Boost your confidence and self-esteem
  • Perform better at work, home and sports
  • Enhance your surf and snow riding performance
  • Catch more waves, ride more snow, have more fun!

And the best part…we are going to coach you every step of the way.

But let me begin by saying that this isn’t a typical fitness or fat loss program.

It’s a Coaching Program… which means we are here to support you and keep you motivated to achieve your results!

The SHRED FIT over 40 Coaching Program Uses Shred Fit Science to Help You Build A Fitter, Leaner, Stronger, Healthier Body That Performs Better In The Surf & Snow...

Unlike some other programs, the Surf Snow Fitness uses a system built on 3 pillars to help you get a fitter, leaner, healthier body.

Here’s a summary of the 3 pillars on which our M3 "Shred Fit Science" Method is built…

Pillar #1 - Muscle

Our workouts are built on functional training methodologies to help you build "3D Athletic Muscle".

This means we focus on athletic, multi-joint movements and exercises so that you build functional muscles that integrate and work to improve your athletic surf and snow performance.

Our functional training system involves the following components to help you build your fittest body, reduce injuries and enhance your surf & snow riding abilities:

  • Mobility & Flexibility
  • Core Stability, Strength & Rotational Power
  • Static & Dynamic Balance Training
  • Total Body Strength & Power
  • Anaerobic & Aerobic Endurance
  • Co-ordination & Movement Skills

Pillar #2 - Metabolism

In order to fast-track your body transformation you need to ensure you take care of your nutrition.

The problem is that there is so much nutrition information (and mis-information) floating around on the internet it’s hard to know where to start.

  • Should I eat paleo?
  • What about carbs?
  • How many meals should I eat?
  • Do I need to count calories?
  • What about eating grains?
  • Should I do a detox?

Our nutrition program is designed to help you build a lean, energized, healthy body without having to adhere to a restrictive, unrealistic diet plan.

We do this by guiding you with our simple Science-Based Nutrition Plan which will allow you get results quickly and maintain in the long term by building healthy eating habits into your lifestyle.

Pillar #3 - Mindset

Ask yourself this question…

Why haven’t you been able to achieve your fitness, health and performance goals on your own?

The answer will more than likely come down to your mindset.

You see it's all well and good to have a winning movement and metabolism strategy, but if you don't have the mindset to stick at it when things get tough, then you can quickly find yourself back at square one.

So how do you build a strong mindset?

You need to focus on creating goals to motivate you, self-assessment to help you become a better at internal leadership, plus personal coaching and accountability to keep you on track week in and week out.

This is one of the main reasons I am so passionate about helping surf & snow athletes with this coaching program. Sure I could just give you a training program and send you on your way, but I know through experience that you are much more likely to get better results, faster results and longer lasting results when you have a coach to keep you motivated and on track.

Let me say that again so it sinks in…

You are much more likely to get better results, faster results and longer lasting results when you have a coach to keep you motivated and on track.

At the end of the day, you are reading this page because you want a result. You want to build a fitter, leaner, stronger, healthier body and you want to perform better in the surf or on the snow.

We can help you achieve this with our functional accountability system which incorporates the following:

  • Weekly Coaching Check-ins
  • Daily Nutrition Check-ins
  • Workout Tracking
  • Before and After Photos
  • Body Composition Tracking

The  SHRED FIT over 40 Coaching Program was strategically set up to overcome the obstacles that STOP you from achieving your goals...

Here's What You Get In The Program...

Below is a summary of what you receive when you join the SHRED FIT over 40 Coaching Program…

1. Brand-New Functional Strength Training Program Every Month

Destroy the Dad bod and build lean muscle with a brand-new functional strength training program every month.

  • Cycle between 3 functional strength workouts per week
  • Train at home or at the gym with a new program every month
  • Focus on multi-joint, multi-directional 3D movements to build functional muscles that integrate and work to improve your athletic surf and snow riding performance
  • Build dynamic balance to help you stay in control as well as core stability and rotational strength for better manoeuvres
  • Develop lower body power and eccentric muscle control for softer landings, thoracic mobility and shoulder stability for healthier and stronger paddling muscles and overall total body strength and power so you can shred hard like an athlete

Use these workouts to build a shred fit body so you can be ready for action 365 days a year!

2. Easy Nutrition - The BODY for SHREDDING Diet Plan

Use the simple science of fat-loss nutrition to destroy your Dad-bod. The nutrition plan includes the following:

  • Portion Control Guide (no need to count calories)
  • Sample Meal Plans
  • What to Eat Guide – Protein, Carbs, Fats, Vegetables
  • Adjustments Guide (to optimise your results)

3. Coaching & Accountability

Receive personal coaching every week and join a team of other men over 40 to help you stay motivated. Increase consistency by having a high level of accountability to the program.

  • Daily nutrition & lifestyle habit check-ins through our app
  • Nutrition & lifestyle coaching resources to help build sustainable habits
  • View and track your workouts through the training app (includes videos of each of the exercises)
  • Weekly coaching check-ins to monitor your compliance to the training and nutrition plan
  • Personal coaching feedback from Coach Clayton to help you stay on track and troubleshoot any areas if needed

Bonus #1 - Endurance Training for Surfing & Snow Sports

  • Improve your “Aerobic” and “Anaerobic” energy systems for surfing and snow sports
  • Choose from a variety of interval-based workouts than can be done at home, the beach, the swimming pool, the gym or in an open outdoor area
  • Improve your paddling endurance so you can catch more waves and reduce shoulder fatigue in the surf!
  • Build your leg endurance so you can ride hard and your legs don’t burn out on the first run of a powder day!
  • No need for long, boring cardio all the time – mix things up with these interval training and metabolic-style cardio workouts

Bonus #2 - Rapid "Cardio Strength" Circuits

Sometimes life just gets crazy-busy, and exercise can easily slip down your priority list. Instead of falling of the wagon completely, we’ve got you covered with our Rapid “Cardio Strength” Circuits.

These are full body workouts that can be done in 10-20 minutes with minimal equipment, so you can just get the work done fast and efficiently.

  • Improve your strength and endurance for surfing, snowboarding & skiing with minimal time commitment
  • Do these workouts at home or the gym with minimal equipment

Bonus #3 - Mobility & Flexibility Routines

Having adequate range of motion at your joints is important for surfers and snow riders in terms of injury prevention, movement efficiency and performance enhancement.

Training mobility and flexibility can help correct muscle or postural imbalances and keep your body in balance. Use these routines to improve your overall range of motion.

  • Improve your thoracic mobility to improve paddling efficiency
  • Improve your hip mobility to help take the pressure off your lower back
  • Full body dynamic warm-ups to get you ready to exercise
  • Stretching sequences to help improve your muscle flexibility

Bonus #4 - Functional Fitness & Body Composition Assessments

How do you know if you are really making progress with your fitness, health and sports performance? Simple. Measure your progress with our fitness and body composition assessments...

Body Composition Tests -- These tests look at how your body is physically changing with regards to muscle size, body fat levels, posture. When you measure these components you can quantify your results which helps with motivation to keep going, knowing you are making progress.

Functional Movement Screening - These tests help identify any mobility or stability issues that you may have. Building a solid base of movement is the key to long term performance and injury prevention.

Functional Fitness Tests - These tests look at your overall fitness levels with regards to core strength, balance, total body strength and cardiovascular endurance. Do the specific tests to measure your fitness levels and track your improvements.

Bonus #5 - Nutrition Cheat Sheets

An awesome shortcut to getting started with your nutrition, these cheat sheets use infographics to teach you what to eat and how much to eat to burn fat and build strength.

These guides cover the following topics:

  • How To Create The Perfect Meal (follow these simple steps for unlimited healthy meals)
  • Portion Control Guide (easy reference guide without needing to count calories)
  • How To Master Meal Prep (meal preparation in simple steps)
  • The Cost Of Getting Lean (list of habits to get to different levels of leanness)
  • Super Shake Guide (easy guide to create your own meal replacements)

Preview inside the SHRED FIT Over 40 Coaching Program (access on your computer or via smart phone app)

Burn Fat, Build Muscle, Move Better, Improve Your Health, Reduce Injuries, Surf Better, Shred Harder and Be Ready For Your Next Surf or Snow Adventure...

Start Your 30 Day Trial for Only $1

Choose from either weekly or monthly payments

Please note, you can cancel at anytime (you don't even need to contact us - you can manage your own subscription).

After you finalize your registration on the following page, you will immediately be sent an email to create your login details and then you can start on the program right away.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you follow the coaching program and are not happy with your progress after 60 days, we will be happy to refund your payments.

What are you waiting for? Get started now risk-free!

Answers To Your Questions...

  • q-iconWhat equipment do I need for the workouts?

    If you workout at a gym then they should have all the equipment you need.

    If you train at home, then you will need a set of adjustable dumbbells, a swiss-ball (fit-ball), an exercise/resistance band and ideally somewhere you can do chin-ups or pull-ups.

    There are also variations of exercises that use other equipment like a suspension trainer or BOSU, however we give alternative exercises if you don’t have access to this equipment.

  • q-iconWhat's the time commitment?

    You should aim to do 2-3 functional strength workouts per week.

    The Monthly Workouts will take anywhere from 30-60 minutes. We give you the flexibility to make workouts shorter if needed by decreasing the number of sets of each exercise you need to complete.

    If you are really short on time you can do the Rapid “Cardio Strength” Circuits which will only take 10-20 minutes to complete.

    There are also optional cardio/endurance workouts which you can do 1-3 times per week if you have the time available.

Still Not Sure About Getting Started...

We have been helping surfers & snow riders with our online training programs since 2008. Here are some more of their stories...

Before finding us, what was your struggle? What were your biggest frustrations?
I had had a fairly major injury about 12 months before signing up for ssf. This caused my to lose most of my strength in my core and right through my right arm. And my diet was terrible also.

How did your struggle and frustrations affect your life? What did you feel likebefore you made your transformation?
My injury caused me to the most unfit and weak I have ever been in my life. This frustrated me a lot as i have a physical job and live an active lifestyle. I could barely paddle out the back in average waves and duck diving and taking off was a real struggle.

How has our program helped you?
Through the program I eat better and feel stronger and fitter than I ever remember being. I look forward to my exercise and enjoy learning more about nutrition.

How is life different for you now?
My strength, balance, energy levels and diet are the best they have ever been and I'm looking forward to testing it out in my up coming surf trip to Indo.

Daniel Stapleton, Australia

Before finding us, what was your struggle? What were your biggest frustrations?
Before this program I was frustrated but I was not sure why. Now I realize what I was lacking: I did not have clear goals, I did not have good info on how to get a good nutrition (so even considering that I was eating "healthy" I did not get a proper nutrition for what I wanted to achieve), and I did not have an structure or plan to get fitter and stronger.

So I was going to gym and playing sports but really not seeing too much progress. I also used to have a lot of back and shoulder pain/stiffness.

How did your struggle and frustrations affect your life? What did you feel likebefore you made your transformation?
I think the main thing was that very often I was feeling with low energy and tired. Probably too much exercise with no plans and good recoveries and not good nutrition. The lack of progress and results did not help to stay consistent.

How has our program helped you?
- I helped to understand how important is to set goals.
- Gave me the Structure that I needed with the exercise plans to go to gym and really work hard
- Gave me the knowledge about what is needed for good nutrition in order to eat healthy and have good recovery.
- I really like the gradual approach and the very achievable targets/habits as I feel that I was able to really change the most basics (and more important) things for a healthy and fitter body without a huge effort and I feel that I should be able to continue doing these things consistently going forward.

How is life different for you now?
In 3 month my body fat percentage dropped from 20% to 14.4%, I feel with more energy, fitter and with more mobility. The shoulder and back pains that I use to have for a long long time are gone.

And the best is that I don't feel like I will struggle to keep doing most of the things that I'm doing now. Actually, I kind of enjoy more the food that I eat now than what I use to eat before.

Geronimo Martel, Singapore

Surf Snow Fitness is committed to helping men over 40 who love surfing & snow sports to optimize their fitness, health and performance.

If you are ready to build a fitter body for surf & snow sports, we look forward to having you as part of Team SSF!

Dedicated to your fitness success,

Clayton Beatty
Accredited Exercise Scientist
Surf Snow Fitness

Please note, you can cancel at anytime (you don't even need to contact us - you can manage your own subscription).

After you finalize your registration on the following page, you will immediately be sent an email to create your login details and then you can start on the program right away.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you follow the coaching program and are not happy with your progress after 60 days, we will be happy to refund your payments.

What are you waiting for? Get started now risk-free!