Rotational Core Exercises

Exercises To Enhance Your Rotational Power

Twisting, turning and rotating are all important movements for surf and snow sports, and therefore rotational training should play a part in your workouts. In the video below I am going to show you some core training exercises you need to master to build a solid rotational foundation.

By building your rotary core stability and strength you will be able to ride with more stability and perform more powerful turns and maneuvers. The exercises below are either target at developing rotational “stability” or rotational “strength.”



Rotational Stability Exercises

For the rotational stability exercises the emphasis is on keeping your core and trunk stable whilst there is an outside force acting on your body. This will help your riding by enabling you to remain balanced when an outside force like a bump in the wave or snow tries to knock you off your centre of gravity.

The rotational stability exercises in the video are:

  • Dumbbell Stability Chop
  • Band Stability Chop
  • Half-Kneeling Medicine Ball Throw

Focus on keeping your core and trunk stable with most of the movement coming from your arms.


Rotational Strength Exercises

For the rotational strength exercises the focus is on generating the rotational force yourself. This will help develop power in your turns.

The rotational strength exercises in the video are:

  • Dumbbell Rotary Chop
  • Band Rotary Chop
  • Rotary Medicine Ball Throw

Keep your core braced and focus on the rotational movement coming from your hips (not your lower back). Make sure you pivot on the balls of your feet.


Make sure you start adding some rotational training into your workouts. To start with focus on the stability exercises and then progress to the strength and power movements. Before long  you will be performing more powerful turns and maneuvers than ever before!



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