Best Bodyweight Exercises Part 1 – Lower Body

How To Build Lower Body Functional Strength Using Your Bodyweight


When it comes to functional training, it is easy to get carried away using all sorts of exercise equipment to build your functional strength and fitness.

However, before you start jumping on a BOSU or swinging a kettlebell around, there is one category of exercises you should be competent at before doing anything else, and that is bodyweight training.


At the end of the day, when surfing, snowboarding or skiing, you are having to move and control your own bodyweight, so you need to be able to handle it correctly to perform at your best.


In this series we are going to look at the best bodyweight exercises that can help you build superior functional strength, and in this post we are looking at the lower body.


So What Is The Best Bodyweight Exercise For The Lower Body?

In my opinion the exercise that reigns supreme is the Single Leg Squat (and in particular there is one version of the single leg squat which is king – see later in the post).

Sure bodyweight squats and lunges are important, and so are there jumping counterparts, but being able to single leg squat requires strength, balance, core stability and mobility, all of which are critical components of any surf or snow sport.


Most of the time your bodyweight is not distributed evenly between your legs, so one leg is doing more of the work. Therefore if you are able to handle you own bodyweight on one leg it puts you at a performance advantage and also will help prevent lower body injuries like knee or hip injuries.


Single Leg Squat Progressions

Not everyone is going to be able to single leg squat to begin with (and I recommend doing a good warmup before attempting it) so in the video below are some progressions you can use to build up your single leg strength.



Make sure you do a dynamic warmup and then have a go at some of the exercises you haven’t tried in your next workout.


The Ultimate Single Leg Squat

So what is the best single leg squat version?

I think it would have to be the Single Leg Pistol Squat. The reason is that it requires a higher degree of mobility to be able to execute the move.

I know my version is not perfect to look at due to some hip mobility issues, but if you watch the video you will get the idea. If you can punch out a few pistols, then I will definitely be impressed.



So there you have it, the best bodyweight exercise for the lower body. Stay tuned for part 2 of this series where we will look at some other great bodyweight exercises.

Do you agree with my selection of the Single Leg Squat as the best bodyweight exercise for the lower body? Or do you have another favourite? Leave a comment below…


If you want to build functional strength (including single leg strength and stability) for surfing, snowboarding, skiing or any other surf or snow sport, make sure you download one of our training plans below…


Download Your Surf or Snow Functional Training Plan