Balance Training For Performance

How To Use Balance Training To Enhance Your Performance

Below is a recent article I wrote for Smorgasboarder surf mag. In the article I discuss all things “balance.” Types of balance, balance boards, balance exercises, etc.

Check it out and have a go at some of the exercises to improve your balance for the surf of snow…

I have retyped the article below in case you can’t read it clearly in the picture


Every surfer knows that balance is one of the most important fitness components you need in order to surf well. By enhancing your balance you will be able to pull off more maneuvers, wipe out less often and even reduce your risk of injury. All of this means an increase in your surfing performance and the ability to do more with your waves. In this article I am going to show you some great exercises you can do to improve your overall stability and balance.


Types of Balance

There are two main types of balance that you need when you surf, both of which are significant to enhancing your surfing ability.

Static Balance – This refers to maintaining stability by keeping your centre of mass within your base of support (like maintaining your balance whilst surfing down the line on a wave).

Dynamic Balance – This refers to using your centre of mass outside your support base in order to perform a movement (like performing a cutback or other maneuvers).
As both forms of balance are important for surfing, where possible you should be include exercises that train both types of balance in your workouts.


Balance Boards

Balance boards are an excellent (and fun) way to train your balance for surfing. These days there are a number of different types of balance boards on the market so if you are looking at purchasing one you should consider what kind of movements it can do.

Ideally a good balance board should be able to tilt front to back, side to side and be able to rotate in some capacity. There are also boards that slide front to back or side to side and this can also be a good feature, although they can be more difficult to perform some exercises on. Finally there are balance trainers like the BOSU that are shaped like half a swiss ball. These are great because you can perform more dynamic balance exercises involving jumping and landing.

Make sure you consider all of these factors before choosing a balance board.


The Exercises

Balance training involves improving stability at the ankle, knee, hip and core. The following balance drills (in the pictures above) will help improve your body’s ability to stabilize under in changing environment. Have a go at the exercises and feel your balance and surfing improve.

Tip – For all of the exercises make sure you maintain an athletic posture with your core braced, knees bent, chest up and shoulders back.


Enhance your balance, core stability, functional strength and overall
riding performance with our Surf and Snow Workouts…
