
Attention: Surfers, Snowboarders, Skiers, Windsurfers & Kitesurfers...

The SSF 360 Transformation Coaching Program Can Help You Transform Your Body And Enhance Your Physical Performance So You Feel Fit In The Surf, Strong On The Snow And More Confident In Sport & Life

Get Started - 1 Month FREE Trial

Simply click on the link below to apply for your 1 Month FREE Trial and join The Virtual Gym for Surf & Snow Athletes!

Apply Now For Coaching

SSF 360 Transformation Coaching Program

Fill in your name and email in the form below to apply for your 1 Month FREE Trial and join The Virtual Gym for Surf & Snow Athletes!

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Our Mission…

Surf Snow Fitness exists to help recreational and competitive surf & snow athletes transform their bodies and maximize their performance using a combination of smart functional training programs (you can do at home or the gym) and our habit based nutrition plan that is simple to follow and easy to maintain.

Since 2008 we have helped thousands of surf & snow athletes through our online training programs, surf & snow fitness websites and email newsletters.

You Are Reading This Page For A Reason

I’m guessing you didn’t stumble across this page by accident. In fact, I image you are feeling at least a little frustrated with the current state of your body and health. Maybe you are currently experiencing one or more of the following problems…

  • You feel unfit, out of shape and lacking in energy
  • You can’t perform physically in the surf or snow like you could when you were younger
  • Your confidence in life and in sport is not what it used to be
  • Your muscles are weaker and stomach is bigger than it used to be
  • You have injuries that hinder you enjoyment in physical activity
  • Your overall health is suffering

But did you know that being out of shape might be causing you more issues than you think…

  1. Being out of shape may put you at an increased risk of health problems such as cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes and various forms of cancer.
  2. Being out of shape can lead to an increased risk of injuries during physical activity.
  3. Being out of shape can affect your mental health and wellbeing, which can affect your relationships, workplace performance and other aspects of your life.
  4. Being out of shape means you won’t be able to perform at your best in the surf or on the snow!

So what are you going to do about it? Are you a procrastinator or action taker?

Please Don’t Read On

I would encourage you to stop reading right now and take a few seconds to think about if you are really ready to make a commitment to getting back in shape.

If you’re not, no hard feelings, I’ll still be here when you are ready.

If however, you are ready to draw a line in the sand and start redefining your body, I’m here to help you make it happen.

Learn How To Build A Leaner, Stronger More Athletic Body Using Our Proven F3 Athletic Transformation System

Our proven transformation system is built on 3 pillars and can help you to achieve the following results…

  • Burn body fat and build a leaner physique
  • Build muscle and increase functional strength
  • Increase energy levels & enhance your endurance
  • Improve your overall health & well-being
  • Boost your confidence and self-esteem
  • Perform better at work, home and sports
  • Enhance your surf and snow riding performance
  • Catch more waves, ride more snow, have more fun!

And the best part…I’m going to coach you every step of the way.

But let me begin by saying that this isn’t a typical fitness or fat loss program.

It’s a Coaching Program… which means I’m here to support you and keep you motivated to achieve your results.

Why Many Other Training Programs Fail…But The SSF 360 Transformation Coaching Program Succeeds!

By now you know that most people who start a new diet or exercise program fail to achieve their goals.

You may have even experienced disappointing results of your own in the past.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can break out of this trap once and for all…

See, There Is A Reason Most People Fail To Achieve And Maintain Their Fitness Goals…

Yes, it is true.

If you have failed in the past to get results and maintain them long term, the reasons are pretty simple:

  1. You Don’t Have The Right Information. These days there is so much fitness and nutrition information floating around on the internet, with much of it conflicting, it can be almost impossible to know what will work and what won’t. Many people jump between different diets and programs not knowing which direction they are heading and not know who to turn to for help.
  1. You Don’t Have A System. Even if you do have the right training and nutrition information, if you don’t have a step-by-step system to put all the pieces together you will find it very hard to get to your goal. 
  1. You Don’t Have Anyone To Hold You Accountable. So in the event you do have the right information and a system to follow, if you don’t have someone to keep you accountable to the training and nutrition system you might be able to have enough will-power for a short period, but it’s more than likely this will run out and you will slip back into old habits.

But there is a solution…

The SSF 360 Transformation Coaching Program Uses Our F3 Athletic Transformation System to Help You Build A Fitter, Leaner, Stronger, Healthier Body That Looks, Feels And Performs Better

Unlike some other programs, the SSF 360 Transformation Coaching Program uses a system built on 3 pillars to help you get a fitter, leaner, healthier body.

Here’s a summary of the 3 pillars on which the F3 Athletic Transformation System is built…

F1 - Functional Training

Our workouts are built on functional training methodologies. This means we focus on athletic, multi-joint movements and exercises so that you build functional muscles that integrate and work to improve your athletic surf and snow performance.

Our functional training system involves the following components to help you build your fittest body, reduce injuries and enhance your surf & snow riding abilities:

  • Mobility & Flexibility
  • Core Stability, Strength & Rotational Power
  • Static & Dynamic Balance Training
  • Total Body Strength & Power
  • Anaerobic & Aerobic Endurance
  • Co-ordination & Movement Skills

F2 - Functional Nutrition

In order to fast-track your body transformation you need to ensure you take care of your nutrition.

The problem is that there is no much nutrition information (and mis-information) floating around on the internet it’s hard to know where to start.

  • Should I eat paleo?
  • What about carbs?
  • How many meals should I eat?
  • Do I need to count calories?
  • What about eating grains?
  • Should I do a detox?

Our functional nutrition program is designed to help you build a lean, energized, healthy body without having to adhere to a restrictive, unrealistic diet plan.

We do this providing you with our Transformation Nutrition Manual and guiding you with our simple Habit-Based Nutrition Coaching System which will allow you get results quickly and maintain in the long term by building healthy eating habits into your lifestyle.

F3 - Functional Accountability

Ask yourself this question…

Why haven’t you been able to achieve your fitness, health and performance goals on your own?

The answer will more than likely come down to a lack of motivation and accountability.

This is one of the main reasons I am so passionate about helping surf & snow athletes with this coaching program. Sure I could just give you a training program and send you on your way, but I know through experience that you are much more likely to get better results, faster results and longer lasting results when you have a coach to keep you motivated and on track.

Let me say that again so it sinks in…

You are much more likely to get better results, faster results and longer lasting results when you have a coach to keep you motivated and on track.

At the end of the day, you are reading this page because you want a result. You want to build a fitter, leaner, stronger, healthier body and you want to perform better in the surf or on the snow.

We can help you achieve this with our functional accountability system which incorporates the following:

  • Fitness Testing
  • Body Composition Tracking
  • Before & After Photos
  • Workout Results Tracking
  • Nutrition & Lifestyle Habit Daily Check-ins

The SSF 360 Transformation Coaching Program was strategically set up to overcome all the obstacles that STOP you from achieving your goals…once and for all

Here’s what you receive when you join the SSF 360 Transformation Coaching Program…

  • You get a Smart Functional Training Plan with challenging workouts you can do at home or at the gym. The workouts use a combination of functional strength training, High Intensity Interval Training and Metabolic Conditioning to help you build your fittest body.
  • You’ll receive the SSF Transformation Nutrition Manual which contains the proven nutrition strategy you should follow to fast-track your results for getting a leaner, stronger and healthier body.
  • You get Habit-Based Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching to help you transform your body and turn it into a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain long term (and become a surf & snow athlete for life!)
  • You will be able to track your progress with our Functional Assessments which test your functional strength, endurance and body composition.
  • You get Daily Accountability Check-ins to keep you motivated and on track towards building your fittest body. The Accountability Check-ins use habit based coaching to help you transform your lifestyle one habit at a time so that you can not only build a fitter body, but also maintain your results into the future.
  • You will receive a personal login to access to our Fitness Software/App where you can access all of your workouts, nutrition plan and track all of your results. You can login on your PC, laptop, tablet or smart phone (apps available for Android and iOS iPhones)

My Story...

My name is Clayton Beatty and since 2008 I have helped thousands of surf and snow sports athletes with my functional training programs.

My strength and conditioning advice has been featured in Smorgasboarder Magazine as well as many major Australian newspapers - Sunday Telegraph, Sunday Herald Sun, The Sunday Mail and The Sunday Times.

I’m an Accredited Exercise Scientist with Exercise & Sports Science Australia (AESSA) and have a Bachelor of Science (Human Movement) and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Western Australia.

But most importantly I have a passion for surf and snow sports and I am constantly researching and experimenting with the best ways to get in peak physical shape for these sports.

If you want to be in shape 365 days a year for surf or snow sports action, all you have to do join the SSF Transformation Coaching Program and follow the plan "step-by-step!"

What Everyday Surf & Snow Athletes Are Saying About Clayton's Training Programs

I've been doing your work out for almost a year now it has been a game changer for my surfing.

I feel stronger can paddle longer, easier to catch waves, I'm looking better, and all around feeling good about myself."

Matthew Jones

Doing the exercises and being well prepared for my holiday meant I could shred freshies all day and have now sore and aching muscles afterwards.

Made my two week snowboard trip the best ever. I'll definitely recommend this to anyone going on a snowboard holiday."

Peter Peyper

I first started surfing last year. I've always been an active person so I was in good shape, but I wasn't in "surfing shape". After 10 minutes of fighting the breakers and the current, I could barely catch a wave because I was so exhausted.

I knew I had the drive & determination to keep at it, I just needed to train my body better. So I purchased Total Surfing Fitness and spent the winter months following the program. Once summer rolled around and I headed back to the waves, it was a whole new experience. I could (and did) spend hours at a time in the water, catching wave after wave, regardless of how rough the ocean was. I was stronger, more confident, and less injury-prone.

Thanks to Clayton's excellent program I can now enjoy surfing."

John Riviello

Are You Finally Ready To Transform Your Body And Enhance Your Physical Performance?

Do You Want To Catch More Waves, Ride More Snow And Be More Confident In Sport & Life?

If you are ready to join the SSF 360 Transformation Coaching Program, you can get started with your 1 month FREE Trial by applying below...

Get Started - 1 Month FREE Trial

Simply click on the link below to apply for your 1 Month FREE Trial and join The Virtual Gym for Surf & Snow Athletes!

Apply Now For Coaching

SSF 360 Transformation Coaching Program

Fill in your name and email in the form below to apply for your 1 Month FREE Trial and join The Virtual Gym for Surf & Snow Athletes!

privacy We value your privacy and would never spam you

Dedicated to your fitness success,

Clayton Beatty
Accredited Exercise Scientist
Surf Snow Fitness